Pro Advantage® Sterile Disposable Cauteries have either a high or low temperature option. High temperature cauteries have three different tip choices. Whereas, the low temperature cautery only has the exclusive fine tip option. High-temperature cauteries are used for procedures such as pinpoint hemostasis, evacuation of a subungual hematoma, controlling diffuse bleeders, vasectomies, and sculpting woven grafts. Low-temperature cauterizes are primarily used for ophthalmology.
- Provide consistent temperature.
- Cauteries are sterile.
- Locking the safety cap prevents accidental operation.
- Four-year shelf life.
- Battery Operated.
- It has a locking safety cap feature, which prevents accidental operation.
Options available
PROP212000 – Disposable Cauteries | Low-Temperature | Ophthalmic | Fine Tip | 1300°F [10/box]
PROP212050 – Disposable Cauteries | High Temperature | Loop Tip | 2200°F [10/box]
PROP212150 – Disposable Cauteries | High-Temperature | Vasectomy Tip | 1800°F [10/box]