Carrie Potty Seat
Carrie Potty Seat
Only 9998 left in stock Sold out

Carrie Potty Seat

BY Sammons Preston SKU SAMP2771SA
  • The latex-free Carrie Potty Seat can be used over the toilet or as a free-standing commode
  • Designed to meet the toileting needs of users with heights ranging from 48" to 68" (125-173cm) and weighing up to 150 pounds (68kg)
  • Antimicrobial protection in the Tumble Forms 2 coating gives the seat an added level of protection against bacteria, mold. and mildew, which can cause stains, odor, and product breakdown
  • Lateral supports and tray help provide trunk stability and lockable caster base facilitates safety with transfers
  • The washable, urine-resistant potty seat has a built-in, anti-thrust seat to help maintain pelvic positioning
$2,299.95 $2,299.95 Sold out


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