Health-O-Meter G6 body composition analysis scales are cost-effective and advanced, assisting physicians in managing obesity and physical fitness among their patients. Offering comprehensive body composition analysis and educating patients facilitates a valuable service that could improve health and bolster physician practices. G6 Series scales help physicians track progress, guaranteeing that any weight lost is in fact fat, not muscle or water. Valhalla Scientific bio-impedance technology is incorporated into Health-O-Meter G6 scales, providing a body composition report including: body weight, fat%, visceral fat, fat-free mass, body water%, muscle-mass, BMI, and recommended daily caloric intake.
- 15 Second Measurement Time
- Large Platform
- Few Pretest Requirements
- High Capacity
- Patient Report Templates
Options available
HOMBCS-G6-ADULT - Body Comp Scale | Adult Body
HOMBCS-G6-DUO - Body Comp Scale | Adult and Pediatric
HOMBCS-G6-LIMBS - Body Comp Scale | Adult | Including Limbs
HOMBCS-G61-UPPER - Body Comp Scale | Upper Body Only