Super Slings 12 Handles
SKU: SKIL253030
- Made with low-friction nylon to reduce skin-damage
- Support up to 500 pounds
WP_Hook Object
[callbacks] => Array
[1] => Array
[mymedi_template_single_navigation] => Array
[function] => mymedi_template_single_navigation
[accepted_args] => 1
[5] => Array
[mymedi_template_loop_brands] => Array
[function] => mymedi_template_loop_brands
[accepted_args] => 1
[10] => Array
[woocommerce_template_single_title] => Array
[function] => woocommerce_template_single_title
[accepted_args] => 1
[11] => Array
[00000000377e96110000000077ebd8d4action_woocommerce_single_product_summary] => Array
[function] => Array
[0] => QuadLayers\PWB\WooCommerce Object
[1] => action_woocommerce_single_product_summary
[accepted_args] => 1
[15] => Array
[00000000377e852a0000000077ebd8d4promo_message_after_product_price] => Array
[function] => Array
[0] => WooCommerce_Gateway_Affirm Object
[_loader_has_been_embedded:WooCommerce_Gateway_Affirm:private] =>
[gateway:WooCommerce_Gateway_Affirm:private] => WC_Gateway_Affirm Object
[order_button_text] =>
[enabled] => yes
[title] => Affirm Pay over time
[description] => You will be redirected to Affirm to securely complete your purchase. It's quick and easy—get a real-time decision!
[chosen] =>
[method_title] => Affirm
[method_description] => Works by sending the customer to Affirm to enter their payment information.
[has_fields] =>
[countries] =>
[availability] =>
[icon] =>
[supports] => Array
[0] => products
[1] => refunds
[max_amount] => 0
[view_transaction_url] =>
[new_method_label] =>
[pay_button_id] =>
[tokens:protected] => Array
[plugin_id] => woocommerce_
[id] => affirm
[errors] => Array
[settings] => Array
[enabled] => yes
[title] => Affirm Pay over time
[description] => You will be redirected to Affirm to securely complete your purchase. It's quick and easy—get a real-time decision!
[account_settings] => expand
[testmode] => no
[region] => USA
[public_key] => 46Z2PZ1YM9OFIMFG
[private_key] => LMu2IEtcUF6v5z8zFgsMloJAetHMORJe
[public_key_ca] =>
[private_key_ca] =>
[language] => site_language
[transaction_mode] => auth_only
[partial_capture] => no
[checkout_mode] => redirect
[inline_messaging] => no
[cancel_url] => cancel_to_cart
[custom_cancel_url] =>
[ala_settings] => expand
[category_ala] => no
[product_ala] => yes
[product_ala_options] => after_add_to_cart
[cart_ala] => yes
[affirm_color] => blue
[show_learnmore] => yes
[promo_id] =>
[advance_settings] => expand
[min] => 50
[max] => 50000
[debug] => yes
[enhanced_analytics] => yes
[show_fee] => yes
[form_fields] => Array
[enabled] => Array
[title] => Enable/Disable
[label] => Enable Affirm
[type] => checkbox
[description] => This controls whether or not this gateway is enabled within WooCommerce.
[default] => no
[desc_tip] => 1
[title] => Array
[title] => Title
[type] => text
[description] => This controls the title which the user sees during checkout.
[default] => Affirm Pay over time
[desc_tip] => 1
[description] => Array
[title] => Description
[type] => text
[description] => This controls the description which the user sees during checkout.
[default] => You will be redirected to Affirm to securely complete your purchase. It's quick and easy—get a real-time decision!
[desc_tip] => 1
[account_settings] => Array
[title] => Account Settings
[type] => select
[class] => wc-enhanced-select
[default] => expand
[options] => Array
[minimize] => Minimize
[expand] => Expand
[testmode] => Array
[title] => Affirm Sandbox
[type] => checkbox
[description] => Place the payment gateway in development mode.
[default] => no
[region] => Array
[title] => Region
[type] => select
[class] => wc-enhanced-select
[description] => Which region are these API keys for
[default] => USA
[options] => Array
[USA] => US
[CAN] => CA
[public_key] => Array
[title] => Public API Key
[type] => text
[description] => This is the public key assigned by Affirm and available from your merchant dashboard .
[default] =>
[private_key] => Array
[title] => Private API Key
[type] => text
[description] => This is the private key assigned by Affirm and available from your merchant dashboard.
[default] =>
[public_key_ca] => Array
[title] => Public API Key
[type] => text
[description] => This is the public key assigned by Affirm and available from your merchant dashboard .
[default] =>
[private_key_ca] => Array
[title] => Private API Key
[type] => text
[description] => This is the private key assigned by Affirm and available from your merchant dashboard.
[default] =>
[language] => Array
[title] => Language Selector
[description] => Display Affirm using the browsers language or Wordpress Site language.
Note: Affirm Currently only supports the following languages, en_US, en_CA, fr_CA
[type] => select
[class] => wc-enhanced-select
[defualt] => site_anguage
[options] => Array
[site_language] => Site Language
[browser_language] => Browser Language
[transaction_mode] => Array
[title] => Transaction Mode
[type] => select
[class] => wc-enhanced-select
[description] => Select how transactions should be processed.
[default] => capture
[options] => Array
[capture] => Authorize and Capture
[auth_only] => Authorize Only
[partial_capture] => Array
[title] => Enable Partial Capture
[type] => checkbox
[description] => Allow orders to be partially captured multiple times.
Note: Please ensure your account is enabled for this feature by reaching out to [email protected].
Note: Partial capture ONLY available for orders placed in USD.
[default] => no
[checkout_mode] => Array
[title] => Checkout Mode
[type] => select
[class] => wc-enhanced-select
[description] => Select redirect or modal as checkout mode experience.
[default] => modal
[options] => Array
[modal] => Modal
[redirect] => Redirect
[inline_messaging] => Array
[title] => Inline Checkout Messaging
[type] => checkbox
[description] => Enable/Disable Inline checkout value props on the checkout page when Affirm is selected as a payment method.
Note: Value props only shows for orders placed in USD.
[default] => no
[cancel_url] => Array
[title] => Cancel Affirm Page
[type] => select
[class] => wc-enhanced-select
[description] => Choose where to send user if payment is cancelled
[default] => cancel_to_cart
[options] => Array
[cancel_to_cart] => Cart Page
[cancel_to_payment] => Payment Page
[cancel_to_checkout] => Checkout Page
[cancel_to_custom] => Custom URL
[custom_cancel_url] => Array
[title] => Permalink/Custom Cancel URL
[type] => text
[description] => Specify where to redirect users when Custom URL is selected for when Affirm payment is cancelled (Use Permalink or URL in the same domain)
[default] =>
[ala_settings] => Array
[title] => Promotional Messaging Settings
[type] => select
[class] => wc-enhanced-select
[default] => expand
[options] => Array
[minimize] => Minimize
[expand] => Expand
[category_ala] => Array
[title] => Category Promo Messaging
[label] => Enable category promotional messaging
[type] => checkbox
[description] => Show promotional messaging at category level pages.
[default] => yes
[product_ala] => Array
[title] => Product Promo Messaging
[label] => Enable product promotional messaging
[type] => checkbox
[description] => Show promotional messaging at product level pages.
[default] => yes
[product_ala_options] => Array
[type] => select
[class] => wc-enhanced-select
[description] => Choose where the promotional messaging gets rendered on product page
[default] => after_product_price
[options] => Array
[after_product_price] => After product price (Default)
[after_add_to_cart] => After add to cart
[cart_ala] => Array
[title] => Cart Promo Messaging
[label] => Enable cart promotional messaging
[type] => checkbox
[description] => Show promotional messaging on cart.
[default] => yes
[affirm_color] => Array
[title] => Affirm Color
[type] => select
[class] => wc-enhanced-select
[description] => Affirm logo/text color on the promotional payment messaging.
[default] => blue
[options] => Array
[blue] => Default
[black] => Black
[white] => White
[show_learnmore] => Array
[title] => Show Learn More
[type] => checkbox
[description] => Show Learn More link in promotional payment messaging.
[default] => yes
[promo_id] => Array
[title] => Affirm Promo ID
[type] => text
[description] => Promo ID is provided by your Affirm technical contact. If present, it will display customized messaging in the rendered marketing components. For more information, please reach out to Affirm Merchant Help.
[default] =>
[advance_settings] => Array
[title] => Advance Settings
[type] => select
[class] => wc-enhanced-select
[default] => minimize
[options] => Array
[minimize] => Minimize
[expand] => Expand
[min] => Array
[title] => Order Minimum
[type] => text
[description] => Set min amount for Affirm to appear at checkout. Please ensure amount is greater than or equal to the minimum checkout amount in your Affirm account settings. Please reach out to [email protected] for additional details.
[default] => 50
[max] => Array
[title] => Order Maximum
[type] => text
[description] => Set max amount for Affirm to appear at checkout.
[default] => 30000
[debug] => Array
[title] => Debug
[label] => Enable debugging messages
[type] => checkbox
[description] => Sends debug messages to the WooCommerce System Status log.
[default] => yes
[enhanced_analytics] => Array
[title] => Enable enhanced analytics
[type] => checkbox
[description] => Enable analytics to optimize Affirm implementation and to maximize conversion rates.
[default] => yes
[show_fee] => Array
[title] => Display Affirm fee
[type] => checkbox
[label] => Display merchant fee
[description] => Display the portion of the captured amount that represents the merchant fee. For any refunds initiated outside of WooCommerce, refunded fee will not be reflected in the shown amount.
[default] => yes
[desc_tip] => 1
[data:protected] => Array
[public_key] => 46Z2PZ1YM9OFIMFG
[private_key] => LMu2IEtcUF6v5z8zFgsMloJAetHMORJe
[public_key_ca] =>
[private_key_ca] =>
[region] => USA
[debug] => 1
[testmode] =>
[auth_only_mode] => 1
[checkout_mode] => redirect
[cancel_url] => cancel_to_cart
[custom_cancel_url] =>
[promo_id] =>
[affirm_color] => blue
[show_learnmore] => 1
[enhanced_analytics] => 1
[show_fee] => 1
[category_ala] =>
[product_ala] => 1
[product_ala_options] => after_add_to_cart
[cart_ala] => 1
[min] => 50
[max] => 50000
[inline] =>
[partial_capture] =>
[use_site_language] => site_language
[1] => promo_message_after_product_price
[accepted_args] => 1
[mymedi_template_single_sku_standalone] => Array
[function] => mymedi_template_single_sku_standalone
[accepted_args] => 1
[20] => Array
[woocommerce_template_single_excerpt] => Array
[function] => woocommerce_template_single_excerpt
[accepted_args] => 1
[22] => Array
[ts_template_loop_time_deals] => Array
[function] => ts_template_loop_time_deals
[accepted_args] => 1
[25] => Array
[mymedi_template_single_product_feature] => Array
[function] => mymedi_template_single_product_feature
[accepted_args] => 1
[26] => Array
[mymedi_before_single_product_summary_column_2] => Array
[function] => mymedi_before_single_product_summary_column_2
[accepted_args] => 1
[28] => Array
[woocommerce_template_single_price] => Array
[function] => woocommerce_template_single_price
[accepted_args] => 1
[29] => Array
[mymedi_template_single_variation_price] => Array
[function] => mymedi_template_single_variation_price
[accepted_args] => 1
[30] => Array
[woocommerce_template_single_add_to_cart] => Array
[function] => woocommerce_template_single_add_to_cart
[accepted_args] => 1
[31] => Array
[00000000377ea7f30000000077ebd8d4] => Array
[function] => Closure Object
[this] => WooCommerce\PayPalCommerce\Button\Assets\SmartButton Object
[settings_status:protected] => WooCommerce\PayPalCommerce\WcGateway\Helper\SettingsStatus Object
[settings:protected] => WooCommerce\PayPalCommerce\WcGateway\Settings\Settings Object
[settings:WooCommerce\PayPalCommerce\WcGateway\Settings\Settings:private] => Array
[title] => PayPal
[description] =>
[smart_button_locations] => Array
[0] => product
[1] => cart
[2] => checkout
[3] => checkout-block-express
[4] => cart-block
[smart_button_enable_styling_per_location] => 1
[pay_later_messaging_enabled] =>
[pay_later_button_enabled] => 1
[pay_later_button_locations] => Array
[0] => product
[1] => cart
[2] => checkout
[3] => checkout-block-express
[4] => cart-block
[pay_later_messaging_locations] => Array
[0] => product
[1] => cart
[2] => checkout
[brand_name] => 4MD Medical
[dcc_gateway_title] => Debit & Credit Cards
[dcc_gateway_description] => Pay with your credit card.
[sandbox_on] =>
[products_dcc_enabled] =>
[products_pui_enabled] =>
[client_secret_production] => EH5rLKOvwkQ0Zq6NEQgGjgdjVWB0dER2V3dBIDWRB4gzzwOO86PP2uKFcrnequZgdbcfWZ1MjCqsqDh0
[client_id_production] => BAAZSMDqj_flu3dVxG0nLdjhaX1bIILVdHB6cpvfOis5EwWL19QQ25ZBR9GXnYgKu-2LYVPGNX2IIFp5vY
[client_secret] => EH5rLKOvwkQ0Zq6NEQgGjgdjVWB0dER2V3dBIDWRB4gzzwOO86PP2uKFcrnequZgdbcfWZ1MjCqsqDh0
[client_id] => BAAZSMDqj_flu3dVxG0nLdjhaX1bIILVdHB6cpvfOis5EwWL19QQ25ZBR9GXnYgKu-2LYVPGNX2IIFp5vY
[disable_funding] => Array
[0] => card
[1] => sepa
[2] => bancontact
[3] => blik
[4] => eps
[5] => ideal
[6] => mybank
[7] => p24
[8] => venmo
[9] => trustly
[merchant_id] => GFGTHEU6B5A3S
[merchant_email] => [email protected]
[merchant_id_production] => GFGTHEU6B5A3S
[merchant_email_production] => [email protected]
[products_apple_enabled] => no
[products_googlepay_enabled] => no
[vault_enabled] =>
[intent] => authorize
[capture_on_status_change] => 1
[capture_for_virtual_only] =>
[payee_preferred] => 1
[landing_page] => LOGIN
[card_billing_data_mode] => use_wc
[allow_card_button_gateway] =>
[googlepay_button_enabled] =>
[applepay_button_enabled] =>
[blocks_final_review_enabled] => 1
[smart_button_language] =>
[button_general_layout] => vertical
[button_general_tagline] =>
[button_general_label] => paypal
[button_general_color] => gold
[button_general_shape] => rect
[button_layout] => vertical
[button_tagline] =>
[button_label] => paypal
[button_color] => gold
[button_shape] => rect
[button_product_layout] => horizontal
[button_product_tagline] =>
[button_product_label] => paypal
[button_product_color] => gold
[button_product_shape] => rect
[button_cart_layout] => horizontal
[button_cart_tagline] =>
[button_cart_label] => paypal
[button_cart_color] => gold
[button_cart_shape] => rect
[button_mini-cart_layout] => vertical
[button_mini-cart_tagline] =>
[button_mini-cart_label] => paypal
[button_mini-cart_color] => gold
[button_mini-cart_shape] => rect
[button_mini-cart_height] => 35
[button_checkout-block-express_label] => paypal
[button_checkout-block-express_color] => gold
[button_checkout-block-express_shape] => rect
[button_checkout-block-express_height] => 48
[button_cart-block_label] => paypal
[button_cart-block_color] => gold
[button_cart-block_shape] => rect
[button_cart-block_height] => 48
[enabled] => 1
[pay_later_enable_styling_per_messaging_location] => 1
[pay_later_general_message_layout] => text
[pay_later_general_message_logo] => inline
[pay_later_general_message_position] => left
[pay_later_general_message_color] => black
[pay_later_general_message_flex_color] => white-no-border
[pay_later_general_message_flex_ratio] => 8x1
[pay_later_product_message_layout] => text
[pay_later_product_message_logo] => inline
[pay_later_product_message_position] => left
[pay_later_product_message_color] => black
[pay_later_product_message_flex_color] => white-no-border
[pay_later_product_message_flex_ratio] => 8x1
[pay_later_cart_message_layout] => text
[pay_later_cart_message_logo] => inline
[pay_later_cart_message_position] => left
[pay_later_cart_message_color] => black
[pay_later_cart_message_flex_color] => white-no-border
[pay_later_cart_message_flex_ratio] => 8x1
[pay_later_checkout_message_layout] => text
[pay_later_checkout_message_logo] => inline
[pay_later_checkout_message_position] => left
[pay_later_checkout_message_color] => black
[pay_later_checkout_message_flex_color] => white-no-border
[pay_later_checkout_message_flex_ratio] => 8x1
[pay_later_shop_message_layout] => text
[pay_later_shop_message_logo] => inline
[pay_later_shop_message_position] => left
[pay_later_shop_message_color] => black
[pay_later_shop_message_flex_color] => white-no-border
[pay_later_shop_message_flex_ratio] => 8x1
[pay_later_home_message_layout] => text
[pay_later_home_message_logo] => inline
[pay_later_home_message_position] => left
[pay_later_home_message_color] => black
[pay_later_home_message_flex_color] => white-no-border
[pay_later_home_message_flex_ratio] => 8x1
[allow_local_apm_gateways] =>
[default_button_locations:protected] => Array
[0] => product
[1] => cart
[2] => checkout
[3] => checkout-block-express
[4] => cart-block
[default_pay_later_button_locations:protected] => Array
[0] => product
[1] => cart
[2] => checkout
[3] => checkout-block-express
[4] => cart-block
[default_pay_later_messaging_locations:protected] => Array
[0] => product
[1] => cart
[2] => checkout
[3] => shop
[default_dcc_gateway_title:protected] => Debit & Credit Cards
[settings_map_helper:protected] => WooCommerce\PayPalCommerce\Compat\SettingsMapHelper Object
[settings_map:protected] => Array
[module_url:WooCommerce\PayPalCommerce\Button\Assets\SmartButton:private] =>
[version:WooCommerce\PayPalCommerce\Button\Assets\SmartButton:private] => 2.9.5
[settings:WooCommerce\PayPalCommerce\Button\Assets\SmartButton:private] => WooCommerce\PayPalCommerce\WcGateway\Settings\Settings Object
[settings:WooCommerce\PayPalCommerce\WcGateway\Settings\Settings:private] => Array
[title] => PayPal
[description] =>
[smart_button_locations] => Array
[0] => product
[1] => cart
[2] => checkout
[3] => checkout-block-express
[4] => cart-block
[smart_button_enable_styling_per_location] => 1
[pay_later_messaging_enabled] =>
[pay_later_button_enabled] => 1
[pay_later_button_locations] => Array
[0] => product
[1] => cart
[2] => checkout
[3] => checkout-block-express
[4] => cart-block
[pay_later_messaging_locations] => Array
[0] => product
[1] => cart
[2] => checkout
[brand_name] => 4MD Medical
[dcc_gateway_title] => Debit & Credit Cards
[dcc_gateway_description] => Pay with your credit card.
[sandbox_on] =>
[products_dcc_enabled] =>
[products_pui_enabled] =>
[client_secret_production] => EH5rLKOvwkQ0Zq6NEQgGjgdjVWB0dER2V3dBIDWRB4gzzwOO86PP2uKFcrnequZgdbcfWZ1MjCqsqDh0
[client_id_production] => BAAZSMDqj_flu3dVxG0nLdjhaX1bIILVdHB6cpvfOis5EwWL19QQ25ZBR9GXnYgKu-2LYVPGNX2IIFp5vY
[client_secret] => EH5rLKOvwkQ0Zq6NEQgGjgdjVWB0dER2V3dBIDWRB4gzzwOO86PP2uKFcrnequZgdbcfWZ1MjCqsqDh0
[client_id] => BAAZSMDqj_flu3dVxG0nLdjhaX1bIILVdHB6cpvfOis5EwWL19QQ25ZBR9GXnYgKu-2LYVPGNX2IIFp5vY
[disable_funding] => Array
[0] => card
[1] => sepa
[2] => bancontact
[3] => blik
[4] => eps
[5] => ideal
[6] => mybank
[7] => p24
[8] => venmo
[9] => trustly
[merchant_id] => GFGTHEU6B5A3S
[merchant_email] => [email protected]
[merchant_id_production] => GFGTHEU6B5A3S
[merchant_email_production] => [email protected]
[products_apple_enabled] => no
[products_googlepay_enabled] => no
[vault_enabled] =>
[intent] => authorize
[capture_on_status_change] => 1
[capture_for_virtual_only] =>
[payee_preferred] => 1
[landing_page] => LOGIN
[card_billing_data_mode] => use_wc
[allow_card_button_gateway] =>
[googlepay_button_enabled] =>
[applepay_button_enabled] =>
[blocks_final_review_enabled] => 1
[smart_button_language] =>
[button_general_layout] => vertical
[button_general_tagline] =>
[button_general_label] => paypal
[button_general_color] => gold
[button_general_shape] => rect
[button_layout] => vertical
[button_tagline] =>
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[button_color] => gold
[button_shape] => rect
[button_product_layout] => horizontal
[button_product_tagline] =>
[button_product_label] => paypal
[button_product_color] => gold
[button_product_shape] => rect
[button_cart_layout] => horizontal
[button_cart_tagline] =>
[button_cart_label] => paypal
[button_cart_color] => gold
[button_cart_shape] => rect
[button_mini-cart_layout] => vertical
[button_mini-cart_tagline] =>
[button_mini-cart_label] => paypal
[button_mini-cart_color] => gold
[button_mini-cart_shape] => rect
[button_mini-cart_height] => 35
[button_checkout-block-express_label] => paypal
[button_checkout-block-express_color] => gold
[button_checkout-block-express_shape] => rect
[button_checkout-block-express_height] => 48
[button_cart-block_label] => paypal
[button_cart-block_color] => gold
[button_cart-block_shape] => rect
[button_cart-block_height] => 48
[enabled] => 1
[pay_later_enable_styling_per_messaging_location] => 1
[pay_later_general_message_layout] => text
[pay_later_general_message_logo] => inline
[pay_later_general_message_position] => left
[pay_later_general_message_color] => black
[pay_later_general_message_flex_color] => white-no-border
[pay_later_general_message_flex_ratio] => 8x1
[pay_later_product_message_layout] => text
[pay_later_product_message_logo] => inline
[pay_later_product_message_position] => left
[pay_later_product_message_color] => black
[pay_later_product_message_flex_color] => white-no-border
[pay_later_product_message_flex_ratio] => 8x1
[pay_later_cart_message_layout] => text
[pay_later_cart_message_logo] => inline
[pay_later_cart_message_position] => left
[pay_later_cart_message_color] => black
[pay_later_cart_message_flex_color] => white-no-border
[pay_later_cart_message_flex_ratio] => 8x1
[pay_later_checkout_message_layout] => text
[pay_later_checkout_message_logo] => inline
[pay_later_checkout_message_position] => left
[pay_later_checkout_message_color] => black
[pay_later_checkout_message_flex_color] => white-no-border
[pay_later_checkout_message_flex_ratio] => 8x1
[pay_later_shop_message_layout] => text
[pay_later_shop_message_logo] => inline
[pay_later_shop_message_position] => left
[pay_later_shop_message_color] => black
[pay_later_shop_message_flex_color] => white-no-border
[pay_later_shop_message_flex_ratio] => 8x1
[pay_later_home_message_layout] => text
[pay_later_home_message_logo] => inline
[pay_later_home_message_position] => left
[pay_later_home_message_color] => black
[pay_later_home_message_flex_color] => white-no-border
[pay_later_home_message_flex_ratio] => 8x1
[allow_local_apm_gateways] =>
[default_button_locations:protected] => Array
[0] => product
[1] => cart
[2] => checkout
[3] => checkout-block-express
[4] => cart-block
[default_pay_later_button_locations:protected] => Array
[0] => product
[1] => cart
[2] => checkout
[3] => checkout-block-express
[4] => cart-block
[default_pay_later_messaging_locations:protected] => Array
[0] => product
[1] => cart
[2] => checkout
[3] => shop
[default_dcc_gateway_title:protected] => Debit & Credit Cards
[settings_map_helper:protected] => WooCommerce\PayPalCommerce\Compat\SettingsMapHelper Object
[settings_map:protected] => Array
[payer_factory:WooCommerce\PayPalCommerce\Button\Assets\SmartButton:private] => WooCommerce\PayPalCommerce\ApiClient\Factory\PayerFactory Object
[address_factory:WooCommerce\PayPalCommerce\ApiClient\Factory\PayerFactory:private] => WooCommerce\PayPalCommerce\ApiClient\Factory\AddressFactory Object
[client_id:WooCommerce\PayPalCommerce\Button\Assets\SmartButton:private] => BAAZSMDqj_flu3dVxG0nLdjhaX1bIILVdHB6cpvfOis5EwWL19QQ25ZBR9GXnYgKu-2LYVPGNX2IIFp5vY
[request_data:WooCommerce\PayPalCommerce\Button\Assets\SmartButton:private] => WooCommerce\PayPalCommerce\Button\Endpoint\RequestData Object
[dcc_applies:WooCommerce\PayPalCommerce\Button\Assets\SmartButton:private] => WooCommerce\PayPalCommerce\ApiClient\Helper\DccApplies Object
[allowed_country_currency_matrix:WooCommerce\PayPalCommerce\ApiClient\Helper\DccApplies:private] => Array
[AU] => Array
[0] => AUD
[1] => BRL
[2] => CAD
[3] => CHF
[4] => CZK
[5] => DKK
[6] => EUR
[7] => HKD
[8] => GBP
[9] => HUF
[10] => ILS
[11] => JPY
[12] => MXN
[13] => NOK
[14] => NZD
[15] => PHP
[16] => PLN
[17] => SGD
[18] => SEK
[19] => THB
[20] => TWD
[21] => USD
[AT] => Array
[0] => AUD
[1] => BRL
[2] => CAD
[3] => CHF
[4] => CZK
[5] => DKK
[6] => EUR
[7] => HKD
[8] => GBP
[9] => HUF
[10] => ILS
[11] => JPY
[12] => MXN
[13] => NOK
[14] => NZD
[15] => PHP
[16] => PLN
[17] => SGD
[18] => SEK
[19] => THB
[20] => TWD
[21] => USD
[BE] => Array
[0] => AUD
[1] => BRL
[2] => CAD
[3] => CHF
[4] => CZK
[5] => DKK
[6] => EUR
[7] => HKD
[8] => GBP
[9] => HUF
[10] => ILS
[11] => JPY
[12] => MXN
[13] => NOK
[14] => NZD
[15] => PHP
[16] => PLN
[17] => SGD
[18] => SEK
[19] => THB
[20] => TWD
[21] => USD
[BG] => Array
[0] => AUD
[1] => BRL
[2] => CAD
[3] => CHF
[4] => CZK
[5] => DKK
[6] => EUR
[7] => HKD
[8] => GBP
[9] => HUF
[10] => ILS
[11] => JPY
[12] => MXN
[13] => NOK
[14] => NZD
[15] => PHP
[16] => PLN
[17] => SGD
[18] => SEK
[19] => THB
[20] => TWD
[21] => USD
[CA] => Array
[0] => AUD
[1] => BRL
[2] => CAD
[3] => CHF
[4] => CZK
[5] => DKK
[6] => EUR
[7] => HKD
[8] => GBP
[9] => HUF
[10] => ILS
[11] => JPY
[12] => MXN
[13] => NOK
[14] => NZD
[15] => PHP
[16] => PLN
[17] => SGD
[18] => SEK
[19] => THB
[20] => TWD
[21] => USD
[CN] => Array
[0] => AUD
[1] => BRL
[2] => CAD
[3] => CHF
[4] => CZK
[5] => DKK
[6] => EUR
[7] => HKD
[8] => GBP
[9] => HUF
[10] => ILS
[11] => JPY
[12] => MXN
[13] => NOK
[14] => NZD
[15] => PHP
[16] => PLN
[17] => SGD
[18] => SEK
[19] => THB
[20] => TWD
[21] => USD
[CY] => Array
[0] => AUD
[1] => BRL
[2] => CAD
[3] => CHF
[4] => CZK
[5] => DKK
[6] => EUR
[7] => HKD
[8] => GBP
[9] => HUF
[10] => ILS
[11] => JPY
[12] => MXN
[13] => NOK
[14] => NZD
[15] => PHP
[16] => PLN
[17] => SGD
[18] => SEK
[19] => THB
[20] => TWD
[21] => USD
[CZ] => Array
[0] => AUD
[1] => BRL
[2] => CAD
[3] => CHF
[4] => CZK
[5] => DKK
[6] => EUR
[7] => HKD
[8] => GBP
[9] => HUF
[10] => ILS
[11] => JPY
[12] => MXN
[13] => NOK
[14] => NZD
[15] => PHP
[16] => PLN
[17] => SGD
[18] => SEK
[19] => THB
[20] => TWD
[21] => USD
[DK] => Array
[0] => AUD
[1] => BRL
[2] => CAD
[3] => CHF
[4] => CZK
[5] => DKK
[6] => EUR
[7] => HKD
[8] => GBP
[9] => HUF
[10] => ILS
[11] => JPY
[12] => MXN
[13] => NOK
[14] => NZD
[15] => PHP
[16] => PLN
[17] => SGD
[18] => SEK
[19] => THB
[20] => TWD
[21] => USD
[EE] => Array
[0] => AUD
[1] => BRL
[2] => CAD
[3] => CHF
[4] => CZK
[5] => DKK
[6] => EUR
[7] => HKD
[8] => GBP
[9] => HUF
[10] => ILS
[11] => JPY
[12] => MXN
[13] => NOK
[14] => NZD
[15] => PHP
[16] => PLN
[17] => SGD
[18] => SEK
[19] => THB
[20] => TWD
[21] => USD
[FI] => Array
[0] => AUD
[1] => BRL
[2] => CAD
[3] => CHF
[4] => CZK
[5] => DKK
[6] => EUR
[7] => HKD
[8] => GBP
[9] => HUF
[10] => ILS
[11] => JPY
[12] => MXN
[13] => NOK
[14] => NZD
[15] => PHP
[16] => PLN
[17] => SGD
[18] => SEK
[19] => THB
[20] => TWD
[21] => USD
[FR] => Array
[0] => AUD
[1] => BRL
[2] => CAD
[3] => CHF
[4] => CZK
[5] => DKK
[6] => EUR
[7] => HKD
[8] => GBP
[9] => HUF
[10] => ILS
[11] => JPY
[12] => MXN
[13] => NOK
[14] => NZD
[15] => PHP
[16] => PLN
[17] => SGD
[18] => SEK
[19] => THB
[20] => TWD
[21] => USD
[DE] => Array
[0] => AUD
[1] => BRL
[2] => CAD
[3] => CHF
[4] => CZK
[5] => DKK
[6] => EUR
[7] => HKD
[8] => GBP
[9] => HUF
[10] => ILS
[11] => JPY
[12] => MXN
[13] => NOK
[14] => NZD
[15] => PHP
[16] => PLN
[17] => SGD
[18] => SEK
[19] => THB
[20] => TWD
[21] => USD
[GR] => Array
[0] => AUD
[1] => BRL
[2] => CAD
[3] => CHF
[4] => CZK
[5] => DKK
[6] => EUR
[7] => HKD
[8] => GBP
[9] => HUF
[10] => ILS
[11] => JPY
[12] => MXN
[13] => NOK
[14] => NZD
[15] => PHP
[16] => PLN
[17] => SGD
[18] => SEK
[19] => THB
[20] => TWD
[21] => USD
[HU] => Array
[0] => AUD
[1] => BRL
[2] => CAD
[3] => CHF
[4] => CZK
[5] => DKK
[6] => EUR
[7] => HKD
[8] => GBP
[9] => HUF
[10] => ILS
[11] => JPY
[12] => MXN
[13] => NOK
[14] => NZD
[15] => PHP
[16] => PLN
[17] => SGD
[18] => SEK
[19] => THB
[20] => TWD
[21] => USD
[IE] => Array
[0] => AUD
[1] => BRL
[2] => CAD
[3] => CHF
[4] => CZK
[5] => DKK
[6] => EUR
[7] => HKD
[8] => GBP
[9] => HUF
[10] => ILS
[11] => JPY
[12] => MXN
[13] => NOK
[14] => NZD
[15] => PHP
[16] => PLN
[17] => SGD
[18] => SEK
[19] => THB
[20] => TWD
[21] => USD
[IT] => Array
[0] => AUD
[1] => BRL
[2] => CAD
[3] => CHF
[4] => CZK
[5] => DKK
[6] => EUR
[7] => HKD
[8] => GBP
[9] => HUF
[10] => ILS
[11] => JPY
[12] => MXN
[13] => NOK
[14] => NZD
[15] => PHP
[16] => PLN
[17] => SGD
[18] => SEK
[19] => THB
[20] => TWD
[21] => USD
[JP] => Array
[0] => AUD
[1] => BRL
[2] => CAD
[3] => CHF
[4] => CZK
[5] => DKK
[6] => EUR
[7] => HKD
[8] => GBP
[9] => HUF
[10] => ILS
[11] => JPY
[12] => MXN
[13] => NOK
[14] => NZD
[15] => PHP
[16] => PLN
[17] => SGD
[18] => SEK
[19] => THB
[20] => TWD
[21] => USD
[LV] => Array
[0] => AUD
[1] => BRL
[2] => CAD
[3] => CHF
[4] => CZK
[5] => DKK
[6] => EUR
[7] => HKD
[8] => GBP
[9] => HUF
[10] => ILS
[11] => JPY
[12] => MXN
[13] => NOK
[14] => NZD
[15] => PHP
[16] => PLN
[17] => SGD
[18] => SEK
[19] => THB
[20] => TWD
[21] => USD
[LI] => Array
[0] => AUD
[1] => BRL
[2] => CAD
[3] => CHF
[4] => CZK
[5] => DKK
[6] => EUR
[7] => HKD
[8] => GBP
[9] => HUF
[10] => ILS
[11] => JPY
[12] => MXN
[13] => NOK
[14] => NZD
[15] => PHP
[16] => PLN
[17] => SGD
[18] => SEK
[19] => THB
[20] => TWD
[21] => USD
[LT] => Array
[0] => AUD
[1] => BRL
[2] => CAD
[3] => CHF
[4] => CZK
[5] => DKK
[6] => EUR
[7] => HKD
[8] => GBP
[9] => HUF
[10] => ILS
[11] => JPY
[12] => MXN
[13] => NOK
[14] => NZD
[15] => PHP
[16] => PLN
[17] => SGD
[18] => SEK
[19] => THB
[20] => TWD
[21] => USD
[LU] => Array
[0] => AUD
[1] => BRL
[2] => CAD
[3] => CHF
[4] => CZK
[5] => DKK
[6] => EUR
[7] => HKD
[8] => GBP
[9] => HUF
[10] => ILS
[11] => JPY
[12] => MXN
[13] => NOK
[14] => NZD
[15] => PHP
[16] => PLN
[17] => SGD
[18] => SEK
[19] => THB
[20] => TWD
[21] => USD
[MT] => Array
[0] => AUD
[1] => BRL
[2] => CAD
[3] => CHF
[4] => CZK
[5] => DKK
[6] => EUR
[7] => HKD
[8] => GBP
[9] => HUF
[10] => ILS
[11] => JPY
[12] => MXN
[13] => NOK
[14] => NZD
[15] => PHP
[16] => PLN
[17] => SGD
[18] => SEK
[19] => THB
[20] => TWD
[21] => USD
[MX] => Array
[0] => MXN
[NL] => Array
[0] => AUD
[1] => BRL
[2] => CAD
[3] => CHF
[4] => CZK
[5] => DKK
[6] => EUR
[7] => HKD
[8] => GBP
[9] => HUF
[10] => ILS
[11] => JPY
[12] => MXN
[13] => NOK
[14] => NZD
[15] => PHP
[16] => PLN
[17] => SGD
[18] => SEK
[19] => THB
[20] => TWD
[21] => USD
[PL] => Array
[0] => AUD
[1] => BRL
[2] => CAD
[3] => CHF
[4] => CZK
[5] => DKK
[6] => EUR
[7] => HKD
[8] => GBP
[9] => HUF
[10] => ILS
[11] => JPY
[12] => MXN
[13] => NOK
[14] => NZD
[15] => PHP
[16] => PLN
[17] => SGD
[18] => SEK
[19] => THB
[20] => TWD
[21] => USD
[PT] => Array
[0] => AUD
[1] => BRL
[2] => CAD
[3] => CHF
[4] => CZK
[5] => DKK
[6] => EUR
[7] => HKD
[8] => GBP
[9] => HUF
[10] => ILS
[11] => JPY
[12] => MXN
[13] => NOK
[14] => NZD
[15] => PHP
[16] => PLN
[17] => SGD
[18] => SEK
[19] => THB
[20] => TWD
[21] => USD
[RO] => Array
[0] => AUD
[1] => BRL
[2] => CAD
[3] => CHF
[4] => CZK
[5] => DKK
[6] => EUR
[7] => HKD
[8] => GBP
[9] => HUF
[10] => ILS
[11] => JPY
[12] => MXN
[13] => NOK
[14] => NZD
[15] => PHP
[16] => PLN
[17] => SGD
[18] => SEK
[19] => THB
[20] => TWD
[21] => USD
[SK] => Array
[0] => AUD
[1] => BRL
[2] => CAD
[3] => CHF
[4] => CZK
[5] => DKK
[6] => EUR
[7] => HKD
[8] => GBP
[9] => HUF
[10] => ILS
[11] => JPY
[12] => MXN
[13] => NOK
[14] => NZD
[15] => PHP
[16] => PLN
[17] => SGD
[18] => SEK
[19] => THB
[20] => TWD
[21] => USD
[SI] => Array
[0] => AUD
[1] => BRL
[2] => CAD
[3] => CHF
[4] => CZK
[5] => DKK
[6] => EUR
[7] => HKD
[8] => GBP
[9] => HUF
[10] => ILS
[11] => JPY
[12] => MXN
[13] => NOK
[14] => NZD
[15] => PHP
[16] => PLN
[17] => SGD
[18] => SEK
[19] => THB
[20] => TWD
[21] => USD
[ES] => Array
[0] => AUD
[1] => BRL
[2] => CAD
[3] => CHF
[4] => CZK
[5] => DKK
[6] => EUR
[7] => HKD
[8] => GBP
[9] => HUF
[10] => ILS
[11] => JPY
[12] => MXN
[13] => NOK
[14] => NZD
[15] => PHP
[16] => PLN
[17] => SGD
[18] => SEK
[19] => THB
[20] => TWD
[21] => USD
[SE] => Array
[0] => AUD
[1] => BRL
[2] => CAD
[3] => CHF
[4] => CZK
[5] => DKK
[6] => EUR
[7] => HKD
[8] => GBP
[9] => HUF
[10] => ILS
[11] => JPY
[12] => MXN
[13] => NOK
[14] => NZD
[15] => PHP
[16] => PLN
[17] => SGD
[18] => SEK
[19] => THB
[20] => TWD
[21] => USD
[GB] => Array
[0] => AUD
[1] => BRL
[2] => CAD
[3] => CHF
[4] => CZK
[5] => DKK
[6] => EUR
[7] => HKD
[8] => GBP
[9] => HUF
[10] => ILS
[11] => JPY
[12] => MXN
[13] => NOK
[14] => NZD
[15] => PHP
[16] => PLN
[17] => SGD
[18] => SEK
[19] => THB
[20] => TWD
[21] => USD
[US] => Array
[0] => AUD
[1] => BRL
[2] => CAD
[3] => CHF
[4] => CZK
[5] => DKK
[6] => EUR
[7] => HKD
[8] => GBP
[9] => HUF
[10] => ILS
[11] => JPY
[12] => MXN
[13] => NOK
[14] => NZD
[15] => PHP
[16] => PLN
[17] => SGD
[18] => SEK
[19] => THB
[20] => TWD
[21] => USD
[NO] => Array
[0] => AUD
[1] => BRL
[2] => CAD
[3] => CHF
[4] => CZK
[5] => DKK
[6] => EUR
[7] => HKD
[8] => GBP
[9] => HUF
[10] => ILS
[11] => JPY
[12] => MXN
[13] => NOK
[14] => NZD
[15] => PHP
[16] => PLN
[17] => SGD
[18] => SEK
[19] => THB
[20] => TWD
[21] => USD
[country_card_matrix:WooCommerce\PayPalCommerce\ApiClient\Helper\DccApplies:private] => Array
[AU] => Array
[mastercard] => Array
[visa] => Array
[amex] => Array
[0] => AUD
[AT] => Array
[mastercard] => Array
[visa] => Array
[amex] => Array
[BE] => Array
[mastercard] => Array
[visa] => Array
[amex] => Array
[BG] => Array
[mastercard] => Array
[visa] => Array
[amex] => Array
[CN] => Array
[mastercard] => Array
[visa] => Array
[CY] => Array
[mastercard] => Array
[visa] => Array
[amex] => Array
[CZ] => Array
[mastercard] => Array
[visa] => Array
[amex] => Array
[DE] => Array
[mastercard] => Array
[visa] => Array
[amex] => Array
[DK] => Array
[mastercard] => Array
[visa] => Array
[amex] => Array
[EE] => Array
[mastercard] => Array
[visa] => Array
[amex] => Array
[ES] => Array
[mastercard] => Array
[visa] => Array
[amex] => Array
[FI] => Array
[mastercard] => Array
[visa] => Array
[amex] => Array
[FR] => Array
[mastercard] => Array
[visa] => Array
[amex] => Array
[GB] => Array
[mastercard] => Array
[visa] => Array
[amex] => Array
[GR] => Array
[mastercard] => Array
[visa] => Array
[amex] => Array
[HU] => Array
[mastercard] => Array
[visa] => Array
[amex] => Array
[IE] => Array
[mastercard] => Array
[visa] => Array
[amex] => Array
[IT] => Array
[mastercard] => Array
[visa] => Array
[amex] => Array
[US] => Array
[mastercard] => Array
[visa] => Array
[amex] => Array
[0] => USD
[discover] => Array
[0] => USD
[CA] => Array
[mastercard] => Array
[visa] => Array
[amex] => Array
[0] => CAD
[1] => USD
[jcb] => Array
[0] => CAD
[LI] => Array
[mastercard] => Array
[visa] => Array
[amex] => Array
[LT] => Array
[mastercard] => Array
[visa] => Array
[amex] => Array
[LU] => Array
[mastercard] => Array
[visa] => Array
[amex] => Array
[LV] => Array
[mastercard] => Array
[visa] => Array
[amex] => Array
[MT] => Array
[mastercard] => Array
[visa] => Array
[amex] => Array
[MX] => Array
[mastercard] => Array
[visa] => Array
[amex] => Array
[NL] => Array
[mastercard] => Array
[visa] => Array
[amex] => Array
[NO] => Array
[mastercard] => Array
[visa] => Array
[amex] => Array
[PL] => Array
[mastercard] => Array
[visa] => Array
[amex] => Array
[PT] => Array
[mastercard] => Array
[visa] => Array
[amex] => Array
[RO] => Array
[mastercard] => Array
[visa] => Array
[amex] => Array
[SE] => Array
[mastercard] => Array
[visa] => Array
[amex] => Array
[SI] => Array
[mastercard] => Array
[visa] => Array
[amex] => Array
[SK] => Array
[mastercard] => Array
[visa] => Array
[amex] => Array
[JP] => Array
[mastercard] => Array
[visa] => Array
[amex] => Array
[0] => JPY
[jcb] => Array
[0] => JPY
[currency:WooCommerce\PayPalCommerce\ApiClient\Helper\DccApplies:private] => WooCommerce\PayPalCommerce\ApiClient\Helper\CurrencyGetter Object
[country:WooCommerce\PayPalCommerce\ApiClient\Helper\DccApplies:private] => US
[subscription_helper:WooCommerce\PayPalCommerce\Button\Assets\SmartButton:private] => WooCommerce\PayPalCommerce\WcSubscriptions\Helper\SubscriptionHelper Object
[messages_apply:WooCommerce\PayPalCommerce\Button\Assets\SmartButton:private] => WooCommerce\PayPalCommerce\Button\Helper\MessagesApply Object
[allowed_countries:WooCommerce\PayPalCommerce\Button\Helper\MessagesApply:private] => Array
[0] => US
[1] => DE
[2] => GB
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[1] => cart
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[3] => blik
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[2] => checkout
[3] => shop
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[settings_map:protected] => Array
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[9] => trustly
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[1] => cart
[2] => checkout
[3] => shop
[default_dcc_gateway_title:protected] => Debit & Credit Cards
[settings_map_helper:protected] => WooCommerce\PayPalCommerce\Compat\SettingsMapHelper Object
[settings_map:protected] => Array
[cache:WooCommerce\PayPalCommerce\ApiClient\Authentication\PayPalBearer:private] => WooCommerce\PayPalCommerce\ApiClient\Helper\Cache Object
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[logger:WooCommerce\PayPalCommerce\ApiClient\Authentication\PayPalBearer:private] => WooCommerce\WooCommerce\Logging\Logger\NullLogger Object
[is_request_logging_enabled:protected] => 1
[host:WooCommerce\PayPalCommerce\ApiClient\Endpoint\PaymentTokenEndpoint:private] =>
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[logger:WooCommerce\PayPalCommerce\ApiClient\Endpoint\PaymentTokenEndpoint:private] => WooCommerce\WooCommerce\Logging\Logger\NullLogger Object
[customer_repository:protected] => WooCommerce\PayPalCommerce\ApiClient\Repository\CustomerRepository Object
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[sepa] => SEPA-Lastschrift
[bancontact] => Bancontact
[blik] => BLIK
[eps] => eps
[ideal] => iDEAL
[mybank] => MyBank
[p24] => Przelewy24
[venmo] => Venmo
[trustly] => Trustly
[paylater] => PayPal Pay Later
[paypal] => PayPal
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[payment_tokens:WooCommerce\PayPalCommerce\Button\Assets\SmartButton:private] =>
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[1] => pay-now
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[1] => paylater
[2] => venmo
[3] => card
[session_handler:WooCommerce\PayPalCommerce\Button\Assets\SmartButton:private] => WooCommerce\PayPalCommerce\Session\SessionHandler Object
[order:WooCommerce\PayPalCommerce\Session\SessionHandler:private] =>
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[settings:WooCommerce\PayPalCommerce\WcGateway\Settings\Settings:private] => Array
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[1] => cart
[2] => checkout
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[9] => trustly
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[merchant_email_production] => [email protected]
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[2] => checkout
[3] => shop
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[settings_map_helper:protected] => WooCommerce\PayPalCommerce\Compat\SettingsMapHelper Object
[settings_map:protected] => Array
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[host:WooCommerce\PayPalCommerce\ApiClient\Authentication\PayPalBearer:private] =>
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[is_request_logging_enabled:protected] => 1
[host:WooCommerce\PayPalCommerce\ApiClient\Endpoint\PaymentTokensEndpoint:private] =>
[logger:WooCommerce\PayPalCommerce\ApiClient\Endpoint\PaymentTokensEndpoint:private] => WooCommerce\WooCommerce\Logging\Logger\NullLogger Object
[is_request_logging_enabled:protected] => 1
[logger:WooCommerce\PayPalCommerce\Button\Assets\SmartButton:private] => WooCommerce\WooCommerce\Logging\Logger\NullLogger Object
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[settings:WooCommerce\PayPalCommerce\Button\Helper\DisabledFundingSources:private] => WooCommerce\PayPalCommerce\WcGateway\Settings\Settings Object
[settings:WooCommerce\PayPalCommerce\WcGateway\Settings\Settings:private] => Array
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[2] => checkout
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[1] => cart
[2] => checkout
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[9] => trustly
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[2] => checkout
[3] => shop
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[settings_map:protected] => Array
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[p24] => Przelewy24
[venmo] => Venmo
[trustly] => Trustly
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[paypal] => PayPal
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