Tumble Forms 2 Jettmobile
Tumble Forms 2 Jettmobile
Tumble Forms 2 Jettmobile
Tumble Forms 2 Jettmobile
Only 10000 left in stock Sold out

Tumble Forms 2 Jettmobile

BY Sammons Preston SKU SAMP476901
  • Helping improve mobility and sensory motor skills, the neck, shoulder, and arm muscles are developed while the child advances in an extension position.
  • Both 4768C and the 4769C come equipped with removable positioning shapes, an abductor wedge, and a hip positioning strap.
  • The hip strap is designed for secure positioning and is particularly helpful in reducing abnormal hip flexion.
  • Features ball casters that are concealed by protective fenders to prevent clothes or fingers from becoming caught.
  • The positioning system is constructed with teal, latex-free material that is easy to wipe clean and sanitize with disinfectants.
$657.76 $657.76 Sold out
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